Sunday, March 1, 2009

X Cookies

I was pretty excited about attempting the X Cookies. I had no idea what figs tasted like and if I even  liked them (yeah I do!). Also, the X Cookies just don't sound like a cookie I would ever reach for to eat. But I have full trust.

I didn't realize the time involved in these little treats and starting at 7:30 pm was a bad idea. When it was past my bed time I started getting cranky and had only finished 3 portions, I had to start an assembly line method. It was a long hall to get through all 12 portions.

All counter space was used to the fullest:

One for mixing - A wooden spoon was sacrificed here. The poor thing just couldn't scoop the dough out of the processor and snapped in half. My processor was just way to small for all the ingredients and I should had mix in batches. I now know for next time.
One for rolling and assembly - I think these challenges are going to teach me patience. I am not good at following so many steps, and can't believe how many times I would forget to egg wash.
One for the trays - All those "X"s it was hard to not start making "O"s.

It was all worth it and I love the final results. I think the best description of the cookies was from a coworker who commented they are a great cookie for those who don't like figs and raisons, you get the flavour but it's just a taste. Everyone liked them; which is a good thing because I have a mountain of them left.  


  1. I am so happy you made the cookies! Good job Kristina!
    They were tasty, weren't they!

  2. I totally forgot the egg wash a bunch of times too!
