Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hazelnut Baby Loaves

I don't have too much to say about the Hazelnut Baby Loaves. Overall they are tasty. I like the light flavour and the crumminess. I like them even more with the mascarpone cream whipped topping.

Few things to note... my insisting use of whole wheat flour. Peeling hazelnuts is annoying. I had no interest in purchasing mini loaf pans; I thought it was funny the book even points out you may not own these and gives you some purchasing locations, so I used my oversized muffin pan. I had no interest in purchasing Grappa (for the whipped topping) so I used my very favourite Frangelica instead - sooooo yummy!


  1. I. Loved. These.
    I didn't even make the topping... I thought they were so good on their own.

  2. I bet the Frangelico was great in your cream! I need to pick up some more. Also, I was too lazy to peel the hazelnuts and mine were still awesome ;)
